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"Your Role Playing Sound Adventure Begins Now!"
Available to Purchase

American Sound Design! Team America Pride!
Use with any web browsers:
IOS, Smartphones, XBOX, PS4, Nintendo Switch and Tablet Products
We recommend using these browsers for mobile devices.
We have tested Google Chrome, Firefox, Boat Browser, Dolphin Browser, Puffin and Skyfire and you can get it free at:
*note: Smart Phones, IPad's, Tablets and IPhone's need an polyphonic App to take advantage of multi-polyphonic audio samples. If not playback will be monophonic (one sound at a time). Skyfire has worked the best in our testing. The full version works better than the freeware. They have been continuing updates to better their product. Support them to see more growth in their development. Thanks!
GAME PLAY LIVE is free to our users in real time. For best performance on PC run Firefox or Google Chrome. If you choose to customize your use. Our great sound sample libraries are 100GB Plus+ Professional Audio MP3 and Growing! Since 2013. All Composed, Recorded @ (48 kHz 32 bit). Engineered, Mastered and converted to HQ MP3 for web streaming and can be loaded into these Apps below. I spent many hours searching, testing and contacting App tech support to share what I was doing which made them recognize a need to improve their products and these all work great!
Digital Watermark Protection
All Audio samples published under Tunecore & BMI except Star Wars audio By Disney Intellectual Property.

Ableton Live 9 Free Download 30 Day Trial
Mac or Pc Here:
This 30 day Trial is very cool! It will give you full control of Ableton Live 9 with 8 channels of audio. This is 64 controllable sound cells which is more than enough for a few evenings of game play. You can save various campaigns and load on a fly to expand further. If you need more than this you can buy the full version. Video demo link
I like free and easy!
Advanced Users Try these Pro Products:

Ambient Realms
RPG Sound Creations and Tabletop Audio
Official RPG Game Play LIVE Adventure Sound System Players.
All Free Use Here Since 2013
90,000 Plus

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Note: Fake email accounts and Bots will get declined access!
Billion Streams
Into our 13th Year in developing a
tabletop audio Free online game enhancement in RPG sound players.
Over 7+ million audio streamers here,
Nearly 100K Plus Facebook Likes,
45k Plus Registered Users Here.
1000's of Free user controllable stereo
multi-polyphonic infinite looping audio players.
We created and used Sound Design for our
RPG games since 1982.
American Designs
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